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Herbal hair colors
Herbal hair colors use plant based ingredients to color hair. With rising concerns about toxic hair color ingredients, the popularity of herbal hair colors and natural hair color has been increasing.
It has been a popular option for people wanting to enhance the color of their hair but is unwilling to use the harsh chemicals and, in some cases, potentially harmful chemicals found in most commercial dyes and color rinses.
Why should I be aware of this?
Beware of some Herbal hair colors available in the market
Choosing the right hue that suits the hair and selecting the right product requires knowledge of ingredients and chemicals. Knowledge of ingredients is important to:
• Read and understand the label on the hair color brand correctly;
• Understand the function of each ingredient and see if these functions are needed to meet your requirement.
• Understand the impact of each ingredient on your hair quality, health and environment. Scientists believe that the risks of adverse effects of chemical hair dyes are real enough. Manufacturers have called their findings flawed and vouch for the safety of their products. Several studies have been carried out on hair-dye use and cancer risk. But there does not appear to be an educated decision on whether any risk exists, or what is the extent of that risk?

Chemical allergy on hair dyes
All about hair color ingredients
Some common ingredients found in most hair colors
Some Henna Tattoos, a Harmful Dye contain PPD

p-Phenylenediamine – Everybody’s hair is different – what works for one might not work for the other. For effecting a dramatic color change it is difficult to avoid questionable chemicals. p-Phenylenediamine (PPD), found in many permanent hair colors, is one such chemical.
Hydrogen Peroxide – For some hair conditions, hydrogen peroxide is the main culprit. If you want a lighter hair or change the color of your hair completely you require bleaching. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches your hair and thus damages it. But the extent of the damage will depend on its level of concentration. Some of L’Oreal semi permanent hair dyes do not have ammonia but contain hydrogen peroxide.
Monoethanolamine – Monoethanolamine does not cover grey hairs, well as ammonia and cannot lighten the hair as much as ammonia can. Monoethanolamine color works well if your hair is porous. It however, fades quickly.